
1. What's Your Dragon?

Daniel Kolenda

Everyone battles a dragon at some point in their life. Sometimes the demonic spirit produces great evils that take millions of lives. Racism, perversion, false religion, persecution, corruption, and terrorism are a few of the dragons my generation is battling.

But in reality, most of the dragons we face are not the type that exist outside of us. Most of the dragons that threaten us are ones we have incubated, nurtured, and raised in our own hearts. Lust, pride, greed, selfishness in all its forms, hatred, the abandonment of responsibility, lack of self-discipline — these are the kind of dragons that usually destroy us. It is these “small” internal dragons that become the huge external ones mentioned earlier.

The small battles we face are part of a much bigger war. Understanding where we fit in God’s strategy will help us to take our individual assignments more seriously. Also, understanding what our enemy is trying to accomplish will help us recognise his devices and resist him with wisdom. My prayer is that through this devotional you will be equipped to slay every dragon you encounter — not only external but also internal.

Colossians 3:5 - 3:10
Matthew 12:43 - 12:45

This bible study was taken from Evangelist Daniel Kolenda's BRAND NEW book 'Slaying Dragons'. This book will take a deep look into the following subjects: Angels and Demons in the Bible, Where the Dragon Gets His Power, The Cosmic Battle, Spiritual Warfare Demystified, How to Kill Your Pet Dragon & Casting Out Dragons and more.

Click the link above to buy the book today!

2. Admit You Have a Dragon

Daniel Kolenda

Admit You Have a Dragon Jack Kent wrote a children’s book called There’s No Such Thing as a Dragon. The story is about a little boy named Billy Bixbee, who was surprised one morning when he woke up to discover a nice little dragon in his room. When he told his mother, she said, “There’s no such thing as a dragon!” Soon the dragon was downstairs, even sitting on the kitchen table. But Billy’s mother ignored it—everyone ignored it. Soon it was so large that when a truck drove by, the dragon chased it down the road, carrying the Bixbee's house on his back. What if my dragon is already out of control? What if it has been growing for years and is a full-blown monster with three heads and a zip code of its own? For Billy Bixbee the key was admitting there was a dragon. Each time he acknowledged the dragon’s existence, it got smaller and smaller. Put simply; this is just the principle of admitting you have a problem. Even secular psychologists and twelve-step programmes such as Alcoholics Anonymous require people who want help to admit they have a problem. Unless they become honest about their problems, there can never be solutions. BIBLE STUDY VERSES: James 5:13 - 5:16 This bible study was taken from Evangelist Daniel Kolenda's BRAND NEW book 'Slaying Dragons'. The supernatural realm is very real, and it directly impacts our day-to-day lives. Often spiritual battles lie behind our everyday struggles. Though the spiritual world is invisible, we are not unaware of the enemy’s schemes. Through God’s Word and the power of the Holy Spirit we are equipped to be more than conquerors through Christ! Click the link above to buy the book today!

3. Hate Your Dragon

Daniel Kolenda

Hate Your Dragon We tolerate sin and compromise in our lives because we do not see these things for the destructive enemies that they are. In Matthew 18, Jesus was trying to express how brutal our attitude toward sin should be. It is not a side issue, nor is it insignificant. Sin can destroy our lives, both in this world and in eternity. Not only that, but it can also destroy the lives of those around us. God hates sin because He sees the beginning from the end. He sees the damage and destruction sin causes in our lives and in the world. If we can get God’s perspective on those little dragons in our lives, if we can see them as they really are—fire-breathing monsters in the making—we will become ruthless with them, just as God is. If we find ourselves coddling sins or tolerating compromise in our own lives, something is dangerously wrong. We have to get serious about sin. For most Christians what would be far more effective in your spiritual battle is simply learning to love Jesus more— sitting at His feet, drinking of His presence. Learning to obey out of a place of love is even more powerful than the most articulate spiritual warfare prayer. BIBLE STUDY VERSES: Matthew 18:7 - 18:9 This bible study was taken from Evangelist Daniel Kolenda's BRAND NEW book 'Slaying Dragons'. This book will take a deep look into the following subjects: Angels and Demons in the Bible, Where the Dragon Gets His Power, The Cosmic Battle, Spiritual Warfare Demystified, How to Kill Your Pet Dragon & Casting Out Dragons and more. Click the link above to buy the book today!

4. Get Rid of Your Dragon While It’s Young

Daniel Kolenda

The easiest way to kill a dragon is to smash it while it is still inside its egg. Big sins grow from small seeds. If you can be honest with yourself, you will often realise what is going on. For instance, I have always hated haircuts. But years ago, I started going to a salon where things changed. The lady I was assigned to was very attractive and interesting to talk to. When she cut my hair, the time flew by. I went to that salon for about two months and enjoyed my interaction with this lady each time. One day I woke up and saw that I had a haircut scheduled for that day. I felt a flutter of excitement inside. I was excited at the thought of seeing that woman. Now, I should mention that I was married at that time with three children. So I called the salon, cancelled my appointment, and never went back. Most likely, that situation would never have developed into anything serious, and I am fully aware of that. I am also aware that every affair could be traced back to a little, innocent flutter of excitement. If you can kill a dragon in its gestation period, you will never have to battle a monster. Realise when you are coddling a monster in the making and kill it quickly! BIBLE STUDY VERSES: Proverbs 5:8 Hebrews 13:14 Proverbs 6:32 This bible study was taken from Evangelist Daniel Kolenda's BRAND NEW book 'Slaying Dragons'. It’s easy to lose sight of the big picture as we focus on our everyday struggles. But our daily battles are part of a much bigger war, and we have been given all we need to win. Slaying Dragons will show readers what the enemy is trying to accomplish and how they can slay every dragon they encounter—in their lives and in the world. Click the link above to buy the book today!