
Neighbors & Nations: Week 1

October 30, 2022 • Riley Halliday

When you got Jesus, you got generous!
Sometimes God will ask you to give it back (time/talent/treasure) so He can unwrap it for you. (remember opening candy for my littles).
Don’t hoard the candy. Don’t eat it all on Halloween. Transfer some to the candy jar where your Father has your rewards.

Neighbors & Nations: Week 3

November 13, 2022 • Bruce Miller

I confess I sometimes daydream that one of my books will be a best seller. Do you ever want to be rich? I think about what I would do with millions. What would you do? I’d pay off any debts. Buy a nicer car, do a large remodeling project, and buy a cabin in Red River, New Mexico. I would bless my kids and grandkids. And give lots of money to the church and other solid ministries. What would you do if you were rich? How could you honor God as a rich person?

Neighbors & Nations: Week 2

November 6, 2022 • Leroy Armstrong