
15. Who is Jesus? How Should you Follow Jesus?

May 29, 2022 • Bruce Miller

In each chapter of his Gospel, Mark asks us to answer two questions: who is Jesus, and how should we follow him. Two themes fill the book: Christology and discipleship. In chapter 15 we learn more about Jesus’ identity and see four ways to follow him.

16. Jesus Christ the Son of God Died and Rose

June 5, 2022 • Bruce Miller

In the final section, we see Christ, crucified, forsaken, buried, and risen. He was crucified by the Romans, forsaken by his Father, buried by Joseph of Arimathea, and risen by God.

14. Prayerfully Serve the Betrayed King

May 22, 2022 • Bruce Miller

In Mark chapter 14. In chapter 14 we feel the darkness, betrayal by a close friend, desertion by all Jesus’ disciples, and denial by one of his closest followers. His own religious leaders plot to kill him. We feel the dread as Jesus’ arrest and death come near. And yet underneath it all Jesus maintains control. While he grieves and feels deep distress, he is not surprised nor overcome.

13. Live Ready for Trouble and for Christ's Return

May 15, 2022 • Bruce Miller

In the Gospel of Mark chapter 13, Jesus calls us to live ready, to be vigilant, and on guard. What do we need to watch for, to be ready for? Hint, it’s more than a raccoon.