
1. Be, Think, Do

Week One | Activate

August 25, 2019 • Bruce Miller

If we have victory in Christ and we’re called to follow him, how does that practically look in our daily lives? How do we worship? What does it mean to love God and others? Bruce kicks off our new series on Romans 12-16, digging into the tactical changes that define our lives in Christ.

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2. Love in Action

September 1, 2019 • Jaime Gonzalez

If we have victory in Christ and we’re called to follow him, how does that practically look in our daily lives? How do we worship? What does it mean to love God and others? Jaime continues our look at Romans 12 by focusing on what it means to practically love one another.

3. Give What's Due

September 8, 2019 • Bruce Miller

Regardless of where you stand politically, you're bound to find yourself under the authority of an elected official with whom you disagree. In our politically-charged environment, it's also hard to remain neutral. So, what does the Bible say about our responsibilities to the government, to its laws, and to each other? Bruce takes us into these questions and more in Romans 13.

4. Don't Judge Each Other

September 15, 2019 • Bruce Miller

The list of issues Christians disagree on is a long one. While the Bible is black and white on important issues, it leaves behind many grey areas as well. How do we know which beliefs and practices should be unmovable and which ones can we agree to disagree over? Bruce dives into this critical topic as he takes us into Romans 14.