
Fasting Like Jesus

Matthew 6: 16 - 18

August 20, 2017 • Landon Reesor

In an age of ever increasing indulgence and abundance, what does is it mean to intentionally limit yourself from the physical to focus on the spiritual? Join us this Sunday as we talk about roots and meaning of the spiritual discipline of fasting and discover the practical relevancy it has in our lives today...

The Pursuit of Happiness

July 16, 2017 • Chad Wade

Jesus describes His followers, commends their qualities, and promises their blessings.

The Disciple’s Outward Influence

July 23, 2017 • Landon Reesor

What does it mean to be a people of influence? How does our identity as Christ-followers shape our mission as disciples? Discover who you are and how we are meant to live as world-changing people.

A Higher Standard: Anger, Lust, Divorce

July 30, 2017 • Landon Reesor

How high does Jesus set the bar for His people? What kind of life does He ask us to live?