
02-20-22 Teach Us To Pray

February 20, 2022 • Pastor George Gasperson • Luke 11:1–13

In today’s story, Jesus’ disciples see Jesus praying and they ask him to show them how to pray. I believe this was a question he was pleased to answer, and he sits down with them for a time of informal instruction and encouragement. He begins with the Lord’s Prayer, which contains 6 elements of a well-rounded prayer.

I hope Jesus’ teaching and encouragement to pray creates a desire for you to pray. Nothing is too big, nothing is too small, and nothing is too insignificant to pray about. You will never pray and not be heard. And there will never be anyone who is more ready, willing, and able to meet your needs than your Heavenly Father. What are we waiting for?


April 17, 2022 • Pastor George Gas

Jesus was dead. For three years the disciples had given up everything for him. Lately he had been talking about “going away,” but none of them expected things to turn out like this. But not only was their friend dead, so was their hope. Jesus was supposed to be the one to free the country, defeat the Romans, and make everything all right. When Jesus died, everything seemed lost.

04-15-22 Tenebrae-Good Friday

April 15, 2022 • Pastor George Gasperson

On each Good Friday, our church has a Tenebrae service. Often called a Service of Shadows, the service marks the events of the day Jesus was crucified. A tradition that dates back to the ninth century, this somber service is characterized by a series of readings that tell the story of Jesus’ final moments, death, and burial. We start of with a video that portrays Jesus' last days. **As a reminder: during the service we do show a video that is graphic in nature - parents please exercise discretion for children.** Then after each reading, a candle is extinguished to symbolize the world growing darker, and silence is kept to help us feel the story internally. Following tradition, the service ends with extinguishing the last candle, putting us in darkness. You will hear a loud bang, as the Bible is slammed shut. Everyone leaves silently.

04-10-22 Remember These Things

April 10, 2022 • Pastor George Gasperson

On the night that Jesus was betrayed, he spent time privately in the Upper Room with his disciples. Knowing that his time was near, he gave his disciples their final instructions before his arrest