
Next Steps-Give

Give Video

April 10, 2022

From the creation of the world up until today, we serve an unbelievably generous God. All you have to do is look at nature or understand the love of Jesus and you will see just how much God has blessed us. That mindset from our heavenly father is what fuels us to be generous people as well.

Next Steps-Welcome to Christ Community Church

April 10, 2022 • Pastor George Gasperson

Thank you so much for deciding to check out Christ Community. Maybe this is your first time in church in a very long time or you’ve been looking to find a new church family, either way we’re glad you’ve decided to try and find a faith community with us. We want to help you feel like this is a place where you belong. We want to journey alongside you as you progress in a deeper relationships with Jesus and the church. Here’s what we’ve done. We’ve created this process called next steps. Just like the words suggest it walks you through what your next steps are for getting more connected with Jesus and others. We will help show what those steps are and how you can take them. You can also visit our website, http://aplacetobelong.com/next-steps to see all of our next steps.

Next Steps-Made a Decision

April 10, 2022 • Pastor Chris Weatherly

Becoming a follower of Jesus is the greatest decision you could ever make, but how do you become a follower and why should you? We want to help you understand this decision and walk you through what it means to have Jesus as your Savior and King.

Next Steps-Baptism

April 10, 2022 • Pastor Chris Weatherly

You might have heard of baptism and maybe you’ve seen a baptism before, but do you know what it really is or why Christians do it? Today, my goal is to help you understand why every follower of Jesus, including you, should take the step of baptism.