
08-29-21 CR Sunday

August 29, 2021 • Sarah Burton, CR Director

Do you struggle with anger? Feelings of inferiority? Do you believe that you are worthless or of little value? Are you a critical person, judging others, slandering them in your mind? Are you a people pleaser, lying to others rather than make them angry? Do you believe that you have to be perfect to be acceptable? I could go on with many other behaviors that are inconsistent with who we are in Christ. All such behaviors are what we at CR call ‘character defects’. They are defects because they are not who we were created to be if we are new creations in Christ Jesus. They are not to be a part of us, ‘who we are’.

Celebrate Recovery is not a place where we come to talk about our problems. It is a place where we come and learn what it means to humbling submit to the Lord, becoming vulnerable to Him so that He can show us those thought patterns that are contrary to His Word. We don’t dig up the past to relive it. We dig up the past to see how it has shaped our thinking, brought us to negative core beliefs about God, ourselves and others and then surrender them to Him so that He can replace them with the truth as found in His Word. That is why CR is a discipleship program and is able to be effective, not just with those struggling with addictions but with those still impacted by any and all hurts that they have experienced where they have been living with hang-ups and habits that are not in unity with the Word. It is a program, a process to address ALL hurts, habits and hang-ups because when it comes right down to it, we all have been hurt and we all have developed core beliefs as a result of those hurts that lead us to think and act in ways that are a part of our old self, not the new.

08-28-22 CR Sunday

August 28, 2022 • Sarah Burton, CR Director

This past Friday we finish another year of CR at CCC., making it 15 years. God has been good. Many people have come through our doors, many have continued to come through our doors, and many have seen amazingly good changes happen in their life. That's what happens when you come AND you work the steps. Nothing is impossible for God. He can fix the most difficult character defects and replace them with some wonderful character assets. It isn't easy, that's for sure. But, oh, so worth it. Starting next Friday, Sept. 2nd, we will begin meeting at 6:30pm for Large Group.