
04-04-21 The Empty Tomb Speaks

April 4, 2021 • Pastor George Gasperson

When Mary came to Jesus’ tomb early in the morning, she knew immediately that something was wrong. Someone had moved the stone that blocked the entrance to Jesus’ tomb. The strips of linen that were wrapped around Jesus’ body were lying where Jesus’ body laid. The burial cloth that covered Jesus’ face was there too, lying to one side. But Jesus’ body was gone. The tomb was empty.

04-02-21 Tenebrae (Good Friday) Service

April 2, 2021 • Christ Community Church

Good Friday is an opportunity to remember that through our tragedies, suffering and loss, great redemptions is at work behind the scenes. This is a unique moment in history where the message of Jesus' death, burial and resurrection resounds powerfully on the global stage. Though it may seem like the darkest day in history, Good Friday is the day of victory and hope, and it is empowering our brightest future.

03-28-21 The Final Week

March 28, 2021 • Pastor George Gasperson

For the last 3 months we’ve been walking with Jesus through many of the significant events of his life and ministry. Jesus now has 5 days to live, yet there is an incredible number of events that take place within those 5 days. Because we don’t have the time to focus on each one of them individually, let’s look at 4 events of Jesus’ last week on earth that seem to capture his mission, his heart, and his love for His Father and for us.

03-21-21 The Raising of Lazarus

March 21, 2021 • Pastor George Gasperson

The story of the resurrection of Lazarus makes for an amazing big picture narrative, but if we take some time to look deeper into the dynamics of the story, there emerges a fascinating study of clashing perspectives within the hearts of those involved. As we go through the story, you’ll notice that things don’t happen like the people in the story think they should, and Jesus challenges them to set aside their own perspective and interpret what’s happening from his perspective.