
God is at Work

In You and through Us

May 24, 2020 • Mike Hofer

"Sometimes God stops you in order to do a work in you before he can do a work through you." Pastor Mike preaches from Philippians 2 to remind us that God is still at work through this time of uncertainty.

God is at Work

Derrick Shields

"Do you believe that God can equip you to communicate across racial/ethnic/cultural boundaries?" We celebrate Pentecost Sunday, and we pray for a fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit during these times.

God is at Work

Kelli Wommack

Reflecting on Joshua 4, Pastor Kelli reminds us to do perform three essential functions so that we do not forget this time: 1. Contemplate – what Has God been doing? What is He doing now? What have you learned during this time? About God? About yourself? 2. Celebrate – Give God praise and glory for how He has been at work, how He is at work now. Praise Him for who He is and for His goodness and faithfulness. 3. Commemorate – Take the time as an individual or as a family to find something to use as a memorial of this time – a stone, a scrapbook, a journal; a photo; something you have created or built. Tell His Story! Scriptures: Psalm 13:5-6, Lamentations 3:20-21, Joshua 4: 22-24

God is at Work

April 26, 2020 • Derrick Shields

Pastor Derrick reminds us how to pray effectively using the Lord's Prayer, presenting it as an intimate invitation for a relationship with God.