
The Providence of God | Ruth 2 • 07.21.24

El Centro Sunday Sermon • Walter Colace

July 21, 2024 • Walter Colace • Ruth 2

• Date: July 21, 2024

• Series: Redeem: The Book of Ruth

• Title: Ruth 2 | The Providence of God

• Speaker: Walter Colace

• Passage: Ruth 2



This week Pastor Walter Colace dives into Ruth 2: "The Providence of God." To discover the way God's hand is at work in every aspect of our lives, orchestrating events and using people to fulfill His divine purpose. Through the story of Ruth, an immigrant girl from Moab, we see God's providence in action, teaching us that nothing in our lives happens by chance.

PRAYER Points 072124

1. Trust in God's Providence

  - Pray for the faith to trust in God's plan, even when life doesn't make sense. Ask for the strength to believe that God is orchestrating events for good, just as He did in Ruth's life.

2. Gratitude for God's Provision through Others

  - Thank God for the people He has placed in your life to guide, support, and help you. Pray for awareness of how God uses others to fulfill His purposes and ask for a heart of gratitude for their influence.

3. Wisdom in Decision-Making

  - Seek God's wisdom to make decisions that align with His Word. Pray for discernment to recognize His guidance in your choices and actions, just as Ruth decided to glean in Boaz's field.

4. Be a Blessing to Others

  - Pray for opportunities to be a "Boaz" in someone else's life, showing kindness, support, and provision. Ask God to help you see and act upon chances to bless and uplift others.

5. Embrace God's Grace

  - Thank God for His grace that includes you in His family despite your past. Pray for a deep understanding of God's grace and the humility to recognize that it is by His grace alone that you are who you are in Christ.