
What Is "The Sign of Jonah?"

December 3, 2023 • Barry Cooper • Matthew 12:38–42

If someone like Jesus makes the extraordinary claim that He is the Son of God, you’re going to need some pretty extraordinary evidence to back up a claim like that. Very religious people make similar demands too. And Jesus says to them, “The only sign you’ll get is the sign of the prophet Jonah.” So what exactly IS the sign of Jonah?

More from Jonah

Discovering The Truth About The Compassion of God

November 26, 2023 • Larry Kirk • Jonah 4:5–11

The compassion of God is purposeful. 

God's Gentle Patience with His Petulant Servants

November 19, 2023 • Larry Kirk • Jonah 4:1–4

In the Christian faith, when you put your faith in Christ and invite him into your life, he begins to work on you to change you into the person he wants you to become. It's a process. It requires patience.

Does God Change His Mind?

November 12, 2023 • Barry Cooper • Jonah 3

Theologians call it God’s “immutability”: the idea that God is unchangeable in His essence, His nature, and His perfections. Firstly, this is good news because it means God’s PERSON, God’s being, is unchangeable. Secondly, it’s good news because his CHARACTER is unchangeable. Thirdly and finally, this is good news because it means God’s PLANS and PROMISES to you are unchangeable.