
A Place to Belong

September 5, 2021 • Ken Prabucki • Acts 2:42–47

“If we can trust that Jesus saw us as worth dying for, we can trust he is worth living for.”

These beautiful words were brought to us by Pastor Ken Prabucki as he discussed Acts 2:42-47 and the concept of community.

In his three points, we learned about the kind of community we want, the kind of community we get, and the kind of community we can have.

Our hearts desperately want to be welcomed as we are and part of something bigger. The communities we find ourselves in often don’t allow for our authenticity or our messes.

But Jesus isn’t afraid of our mess. And in Jesus, we can become more ourselves than we could ever imagine.

Through the finished work of Christ on the cross and the ongoing work of the Spirit within us, we can be a part of true, lasting community. Just like the early church, we can walk alongside one another in the mess and experience the unity Christ calls us to partake in together.