
Do Not Commit Adultery

March 15, 2020 • Todd Iannetta

Our sexuality is a sacred gift from God – one created with a very specific design and purpose for our benefit and pleasure. In fact, sex and how it should be handled is so important to him that he addresses it in his top 10 commands. In this message from Todd Iannetta, you’ll learn why sex is such a great thing, why not following God’s design for it is wrong, and most importantly you’ll walk away with a deeper understanding of sexuality that helps you love God and others better than you have before. Please note, because this message addresses the topic of adultery and sexuality, it may not be appropriate for younger audiences.

Do Not Covet

April 5, 2020 • Joe Coffey

This week Pastor Joe took us through the final commandment: You shall not covet. So what's the harm in wanting something you don't have? Trying to keep up with the Joneses will never satisfy you. Plus, it's hard to really love your neighbor when you just want their stuff. Through this message, we learned that the secret to not coveting is to find contentment in God and his love for you. Fill up on his unending grace, and you'll realize you already have everything you could ever truly need.

Do Not Lie

March 29, 2020 • Zach Weihrauch

This week Pastor Zach took us through the ninth commandment: You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. AKA: Don’t lie. It seems like a simple enough law to understand, but we learned how lying actually stems from our deep desires to be loved and to be cared for. So why does dishonesty matter so much to God? Because you thinking you need to lie to prove or protect yourself shows you ultimately don’t trust him with your life or your future. Next time you’re tempted to lie to earn someone’s affection or gain some sort of security, remind yourself of the gospel: that you’re already infinitely loved and cared for by what Jesus has done for you.

Do Not Steal

March 22, 2020 • Joe Coffey

This week Pastor Joe took us through the eighth commandment—thou shall not steal. We learned that stealing includes both wrong taking and wrong keeping. Both cause damage to not only the victim but the criminal. We know that the opposite of stealing is generosity. And how do we become generous people? We look at how Jesus become poor for us. We laugh at how the discomfort we feel pails in comparison, and we give freely.