
Hospitality Sunday March 24

Host or attend a lunch after church fellowshipping over a meal with others from CC

March 24, 2024
12:00 - 2:00pm

Who: Anyone and everyone at Christ Community! Groups will be around 5-8 adults (in addition to kids). You can sign up with a friend, family, or by yourself! What: Eating a potluck/picnic style lunch together and connecting with others Where: At a home When: This semester we will have one organized hospitality Sunday - Sunday, March 24th, at 12:00pm How: Signup to join or host/facilitate! Signups will be open through Wednesday, March 20th. Hosts/facilitators will be given their guest lists on Thursday, March 21st. Why: Getting a chance to connect with and encourage one another in our church family, cultivating a culture of hospitality and developing rhythms of opening our homes, sharing meals together, and spending our Sundays with each other. The hope is this is a model for what we can continue to do organically throughout the semester!