
You are the Gift!

May 15, 2024 • Elizabeth Walker

We’re planning a birthday party this weekend at Christ Church. It’s at 10 am in All Saints’ Hall and everyone is invited. Come on time, or a little early! wear red! No need to bring a wrapped gift – you are the gift.

This Sunday is Pentecost, which can be called the birthday of the Church. Pentecost marks the pivotal moment when the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples, as recorded in the book of Acts. It was a divine outpouring, igniting flames of passion and purpose within each believer, transcending language barriers and cultural divides. This event symbolizes the birthing of a community united by faith and mission, a community united in love.

Red is the color for the day. I know an Episcopal priest who marks liturgical time by the color of his Chuck Taylor sneakers. Through the seasons of the year, he changes to reflect the color of the season, matching the altar frontal, the clergy stoles, and sometimes the flowers. He uses his attire to stay grounded in the season. Colors, and a focus on the rhythm of the seasons, are markers of our Anglican tradition. Red is one of those colors used on exactly one, special day. I have a favorite skirt I save for Pentecost every year, and I am excited to see your red birthday party attire.

The book of Acts describes the action of Pentecost like this: “Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them.” (Acts 2:3) This is such a powerful image because we can’t get away from it. Each of us is created as a wick for the light of Christ. Lit by the Holy Spirit, we carry God in us and from us, shining light into the world. Pentecost is a day to remember that each of us is a member of the body of Christ, which is truly something to celebrate.

See you Sunday, on Pentecost, on Parish Day! Wear red! There is no need to bring a wrapped gift; you are the gift!

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