
Heart Prayers and the Living God

August 29, 2024

Over the course of my life, I’ve prayed countless prayers. “Help. Thanks. Yes! Wow! How long?” and “Why?” are just a few. I have prayed these prayers in the silence of my heart, while weeping at the bedside of friends and family, and in public places all over the globe. 


Looking back, I can say that often undergirding these prayers is a deep, abiding sense that no outcome is fixed, that God is as engaged in real time with what’s happening as I am, and that often all I have is the hope that what God has said is true; namely, that no matter what I face, I will never walk alone.


If you’re anything like me, maybe you too have come to realize that where our feet are planted is often the hardest place to pray. Our minds often get stuck somewhere between the experiences we’ve had and the things we most hope for. But to pray in the now, to be here, to open ourselves all over again to the possibility of divine intervention – that is the holy stuff of faith – tested, proved, and ever being worked out in real time.


This dance of hope, real life, and prayer is one of the reasons why I’m a Christian. Without an incarnational and God-can-be-God kind of faith, my spiritual practices and ego would get trapped, rushing forward to thinking the outcomes of my prayers depend on me. But my baptismal priesthood and my vocational priesthood call me to let my prayers be shaped not only by life itself but by life in very specific times and places with faith in a God who can fill them all over again.


I wonder, if you pause and look around, or maybe close your eyes and just listen with your heart, what prayer are you yearning to speak today? What are the desires of your heart, or the lament of your soul, or the dreams yet unspoken? What might a prayer sound like that trusts you are not alone and that God can open a way? 


Try it. 


Y’all, we know that God is not a God of quick fixes or easy answers. AND, we can and should always pray for the miraculous. After all, if the Bible and the Church stand as witnesses to the presence of a Living God, what else do we really have, other than our faith, our community, and hope in a movement of God’s Spirit yet to be revealed? Amen. 

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