
The Lights of Christmas Shine

December 13, 2023 • Allen Pruitt

There is a moment in National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation when Chevy Chase’s Clark Griswold plugs in the Christmas lights and he finally gets to see his vision come to life (after his wife fixes the tripped breaker). In that moment of illumination, Clark’s wife and children huddle around him, his parents get teary with pride, and the magic of Christmas feels possible. The whole Griswold family is surrounded by the light of love.


Then… the power goes out across the city. Then… cousin Eddie arrives. Then… Clark’s Christmas bonus turns out to be a subscription to the Jelly of the Month Club. 

I wonder if part of the reason that Christmas Vacation has maintained its relevance is because the movie tells the truth. The truth is that in one moment, we see the brilliance of the light shining in the dark night and in the next, we are out at the gutter with cousin Eddie dealing with… lesser things.


When the Gospel of John told us that the light shines in the darkness, he wasn’t just trying to be poetic. John tells the truth. John reminds us that there is darkness. John reminds us that God knows the hidden places where the shadow tries to cover the light. John also reminds us that the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness will not overcome it.


What gutter are you standing near? What moment of brilliance are you worried is about to be cut short by a tripped breaker? In what hidden place are you hoping to see the Light shine? These are the questions we articulate most clearly during the season of Advent, but they are the questions with which we wrestle in every new year too.


God chose to be born, the brightest light even in the howling darkness. That is a miracle. The light of God shines from each of our faces, born in us as much as any manger. That is a miracle.


We’ll lose sight of it. The breaker will trip; the difficult cousin will arrive; our victory will turn to defeat. We’ll lose sight and forget that the light shines out of us and out of our neighbor too. The darkness will crowd in. 

God’s light shines still. God’s light shines in the darkness. And the darkness will never overcome it.


That’s not just the magic of Christmas. That is the truth. That is the victory of God.

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