
Deep Dive Into Spirituality Invitation

August 25, 2021

Introducing Deep Dives, a new Christ Church series centered around the practices of our faith.

A Deep Dive into Spirituality: Becoming Practically Divine with Becca Stevens
Wednesdays, September 22 - October 20 at 6 pm
Dinner with Becca: Saturday, October 30

Our first Deep Dive will be a six-session immersion into spirituality, led by our good friend, The Reverend Becca Stevens, a well-known author and founder of Thistle Farms.

Participants (with a small group or individually) will tune in weekly for a webinar and discussion with Becca centered around her concept of being “practically divine.” A guidebook to support the experience with scripture readings, journal prompts, and spiritual practices specific to each session will be provided.

Click the DETAILS button to learn more and sign up.

We can’t wait to experience this Deep Dive with you!