
Hildegard Lectio Divina

This week we will find center with the words of Hildegard. For this practice gather your journal and something to write or draw with. Set aside at least 20 minutes for this practice.

The 5 Steps of Lectio Divina 

Center: find a comfortable seat, breathe, clear your thoughts

Read: preferably out loud, read though the text slowly. — two or three times. The first time, get a feel for the passage. When you read the passage a second time, note a word or phrase to which your attention is being drawn. Read with the intention that a prayer for your life will present itself. If nothing stands out to you, read the passage a third time. 

Reflect: what word or phrase stands out to you? How is God speaking to you through this word or phrase? Is there an invitation? What image comes to mind? What feelings are evoked? Take your time and allow God to speak to you from the depths of your soul.

Respond: what is speaking to you through the text. What is your response? What is your prayer? Allow your words or images to come from a place deep within, resist analyzing what bubbles up. 

Be still and rest. Simply be present to what is being revealed to you in this moment, to the silence, to God’s incarnation within you.

Lectio Divina: Words by Hildegard Von Bingen

How wonderful 

is the wisdom 

in the Godhead's heart.

It is the heart that sees 

the primordial eternity 

of every creature. 

When God gazes upon the countenance of humankind,

the face that he formed, 

he contemplates this work 

in its totality,

its totality in this human form.

How wonderful is this breath than, 

this breath that awakened humankind.

The marvels of God 

are not brought forth 

from oneself. 


it is more like a chord, 

a sound that is played. 

The tone does not come 

out of the cord itself, 

but rather, 

through the touch 

of the musician. 

I am, of course, 

the lyre and harp 

of God’s kindness .