

Hildegard Meditation Week One

June 12, 2023

Hildegard gifts us with some really beautiful language for perceiving God in all things. The concept of Viriditas directs our senses and hearts in perceiving this Greening Spirit that is aliveness/ lushness/ moistness; the evidence of God's Spirit among us. We see this in loamy fertile soil filled with insects as well as the robust laugh and soft constitution of a wiggling baby. We can taste it in the food we eat, and sense it as it radiates from our own souls in moments of joy and peace. She reminds us that belonging, and consolation are available to us in each moment as we give witness to this permeating Greening Spirit who makes Kin of all living things!

Today's meditation can be done as either a sitting or walking meditation. It is meant to be done outside, preferably in a place that brings joy or peace, but even a parking lot will do! Viriditas can be observed truly anywhere.

To begin, read through the following Lectio Divina; words of Hildegard a couple of times slowly, and find a line that stands out to use as a prayer or mantra for your walk or sit. If nothing stands out to you, choose something like “I am/ you are alive with the Spirit of God”, or simply “thank you”.  

For walking or sitting meditation begin by grounding your awareness in the present moment, scan your body for discomfort, check in with your breathing and sense perceptions, leaving to-do lists, worries, memories etc temporarily. 

Slow the breath and mind. Allow thoughts to come and go without attachment. The mantra or prayer you chose will be helpful in detaching from outside thoughts as well, simply repeating the phrase in mind each time you feel a distraction pulling at you is a way of recentering in your meditation. 

Set an intention of time to spend in this meditation, it can be a few minutes or a few hours. I'd suggest 30 minutes if you have this available in your day. 

Choose a way to open and close this sacred time of listening. This can be lighting a candle, saying a familiar prayer or bowing in gratitude. 

For sitting meditation, find a comfortable spot where you can take in all that is around you. For walking Meditation plan on moving more slowly than you might normally, walking with intention and purpose.

For sitting and walking meditation try to take in the Viriditas around you without judgment, follow your curiosity and remain open to what spirit might show you about the aliveness of all things and yourself. 

Lectio Divina: Hildegard Von Bingen

Most honored Greening Force, 

You who roots in the Sun;

You who lights up, 

in shining serenity,

within a wheel

that earthly excellence fails to comprehend.

You are enfolded

in the weaving of divine mysteries.

You redden like the dawn

and you burn as a flame 

of the Sun.

The mystery of God hugs you 

in its all-encompassing arms. 

Everything that is in the heavens, on earth, 

and under the earth 

is penetrated with connectedness, 

penetrated with relatedness. 

Every creature is a glittering, 

glistening mirror of Divinity.

Humanity, take a good look at yourself. 

For heaven and earth, 

and all of creation 

are seeded within you. 

You’re a whole world—

everything is hidden in you.

The soul is the greening life force of the flesh, 

for the body grows and prospers through her, 

just as the earth becomes fruitful when it is moistened. 

The soul humidifies the body so it does not dry out, 

just like the rain which soaks into the earth.

Additional readings on Viriditas as linked below

Journal Throughout The Week

This week be looking and listening for Viriditas. Write about the unlikely places you are observing the Spirit of God quietly or overtly, alive in all things. Pay attention to the quality of these things, what are the signifiers of this Greening Spirit? As you move through the week is your sense of this Spirit more finely tuned? How does acknowledgement of Viriditas draw connections between you and other beings? How does it connect to you to the Creator? 

Blessings of Verdant and Holy belonging this week!
