
Prayers for the Season of Creation with Saint Francis and Pope Francis

September is the Season of Creation, an ecumenical movement in response Pope Francis' encyclical letter, "Laudato Si" (Praised be You) urging action on behalf of the church in regards the global climate crisis and its effects on the Poor and the Earth. The title of this letter makes reference to St. Francis' Canticle of The Creatures , which names elements of creation in familial terms one by one, as it offers praise to God, and the created world.

 This week choose one of the following prayers as a morning meditation, a walking meditation or as a prayer before spending time outside, simply be present to the Land around you. Choose either “The Canticle of Creatures” by St Francis or one of the closing prayers of Laudato Si, by Pope Francis.

Canticle of the Creatures by St. Francis of Assisi 

Most High, all-powerful, good Lord, 

Yours are the praises, the glory, and the honor, and all blessing, 

To You alone, Most High, do they belong, 

and no human is worthy to mention Your name. 

Praised be You, my Lord, with all Your creatures, 

especially Sir Brother Sun, Who is the day and through whom You give us light. 

And he is beautiful and radiant with great splendor; 

and bears a likeness of You, Most High One. 

Praised be You, my Lord, through Sister Moon and the stars, 

in heaven You formed them clear and precious and beautiful. 

Praised be You, my Lord, through Brother Wind, and through the air, 

cloudy and serene, and every kind of weather, 

through whom You give sustenance to Your creatures. 

Praised be You, my Lord, through Sister Water, 

who is very useful and humble and precious and chaste. 

Praised be You, my Lord, through Brother Fire, 

through whom You light the night, 

and he is beautiful and playful and robust and strong. 

Praised be You, my Lord, through our Sister Mother Earth, 

who sustains and governs us, 

and who produces various fruit with colored flowers and herbs. 

Praised be You, my Lord, through those who give pardon for Your love, 

and bear infirmity and tribulation. 

Blessed are those who endure in peace for by You, 

Most High, shall they be crowned. 

Praised be You, my Lord, through our Sister Bodily Death, 

from whom no one living can escape. 

Woe to those who die in mortal sin. 

Blessed are those whom death will find in Your most holy will, 

for the second death shall do them no harm. 

Praise and bless my Lord and give 

Him thanks and serve Him with great humility


Pope Francis' Laudato Si’ urges us toward just and restorative action in regards to climate change, water and land health, loss of biodiversity, and care of human life specifically those most impacted by climate change. (this document in its entirety is linked below)

He closes his letter with the following prayers:

A prayer for our earth

All-powerful God, you are present in the whole universe

and in the smallest of your creatures.

You embrace with your tenderness all that exists.

Pour out upon us the power of your love,

that we may protect life and beauty.

Fill us with peace, that we may live

as brothers and sisters, harming no one.

O God of the poor,

help us to rescue the abandoned and forgotten of this earth,

so precious in your eyes.

Bring healing to our lives,

that we may protect the world and not prey on it,

that we may sow beauty, not pollution and destruction.

Touch the hearts

of those who look only for gain

at the expense of the poor and the earth.

Teach us to discover the worth of each thing,

to be filled with awe and contemplation,

to recognize that we are profoundly united

with every creature

as we journey towards your infinite light.

We thank you for being with us each day.

Encourage us, we pray, in our struggle

for justice, love and peace.

A Christian prayer in union with creation

Father, we praise you with all your creatures.

They came forth from your all-powerful hand;

they are yours, filled with your presence and your tender love.

Praise be to you!

Son of God, Jesus,

through you all things were made.

You were formed in the womb of Mary our Mother,

you became part of this earth,

and you gazed upon this world with human eyes.

Today you are alive in every creature

in your risen glory.

Praise be to you!

Holy Spirit, by your light

you guide this world towards the Father’s love

and accompany creation as it groans in travail.

You also dwell in our hearts

and you inspire us to do what is good.

Praise be to you!

Triune Lord, wondrous community of infinite love,

teach us to contemplate you

in the beauty of the universe,

for all things speak of you.

Awaken our praise and thankfulness

for every being that you have made.

Give us the grace to feel profoundly joined

to everything that is.

God of love, show us our place in this world

as channels of your love

for all the creatures of this earth,

for not one of them is forgotten in your sight.

Enlighten those who possess power and money

that they may avoid the sin of indifference,

that they may love the common good, advance the weak,

and care for this world in which we live.

The poor and the earth are crying out.

O Lord, seize us with your power and light,

help us to protect all life,

to prepare for a better future,

for the coming of your Kingdom

of justice, peace, love and beauty.

Praise be to you!


Reflection Questions:

What line or phase is speaking to you?

What is the prayer?

What action, understanding, or shift in perception is being asked of you?

A full reading of Laudato Si is linked below. Also linked is a Season of Creation celebration guide (mostly for use by church leadership but a helpful resource nonetheless!)