
Kingdom Impact

Matthew 5:13-16

April 23, 2017 • Jeffrey Carlson

All followers of Jesus are commissioned by Jesus to have gospel impact in their community. To effectively execute the mission, kingdom citizens need to be affected, aware, clear, and motivated to make a kingdom impact.

The King's Standards: Retaliation, Relationships, and Righteousness

June 11, 2017 • Adam Bailie

Kingdom Treasures: Weddings and Words

June 4, 2017 • Adam Bailie

Jesus values the promises we make in marriage and our speech. To preserve and protect what He treasures, we need to elevate what Jesus elevates and diminish what Jesus diminishes.

Kingdom Righteousness: Sexuality

May 28, 2017 • Adam Bailie

Jesus demands sexual purity from His kingdom citizens that that requires that we make adjustments in our lives. We must believe, think, look, and act differently because of this mandate. We need to hear from Jesus.