
What's Your Motivation Behind Leadership

November 1, 2023 • Pastor Steven Pettis Jr • Matthew 20:20–28

The two most important questions you will ever answer in life are who you’re going to serve and who you’re going to marry. Now the reality is that the first question, who you going to serve, answers any and every other question you have or ever will have in life and about life.


The book of Hebrews was written to tell the Hebrews to quit going back to the Old Testament ritual rather than staying with the reality Jesus Christ. Most Christian relationships also focus on wrong relationships, instead of focusing on Jesus. Today we start our series exploring how Jesus is greater than Aaron. "

The psalmist was correct when he said, this is the day the Lord has made, and guess what we should do? Rejoice and be GLAD in IT! Welcome to Christ Bible Church online worship space! We welcome you to sing, pray, fellowship through the chat and give as the Lord leads you! 


Here are some helpful links for you! 


Want to know more about Christ Bible Church? Visit us at www.cbcofchicago.org


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Prayer: https://bit.ly/joinCBCprayer


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