
Reaching out Together

September 1, 2019 • Pastor Terry Brown

Church! It elicits all kinds of thoughts. To some it is a building on a corner. To others it speaks of extreme boredom, a blast from our past. We may feel judged by the church or excluded by the church but what if, something amazing happened and we were to be LOVED by God’s church. Jesus didn’t come to build an exclusive club called the church but He gave His life for a church that would be a lifesaving station for people who are drowning in despair. What if the church were to fulfill His intended plan?

- This week, I will ask God to open my eyes for opportunities to SHINE.
- This week, I will think through what God has done for me so I can share it with others.
- I believe in what God is doing at Christ Place, and will invite others to join me here.