
The Call Is For You

August 23, 2020 • Pastor Rick Lorimer

Join us this week as Pastor Rick introduces our new series, “What On Earth Am I Here For?”

It’s not an accident that you’re alive during a worldwide pandemic. There specific things you will want to know about your calling.


- I will join or facilitate a Connect Group today. www.christplace.church/connect

- This week I will memorize “I am your Creator. You were in my care even before you were born!” Isaiah 44:2 (CEV)

- I’ll invite someone this week to join me in attending service. www.christplace.church/locations

Called to be Sent

September 27, 2020 • Pastor Johnathan Reynolds

Join Pastor Johnathan as we conclude the series on “What are Earth am I Here For” with our 5th calling; We Are Called to be Sent.” NEXT STEPS: • This week, I will start the conversation (Set the Table) about Jesus with my family and neighbors. • This week, I will invite someone from my community to come with me to church next weekend. • This week, I will pray about becoming a Vision Builder.

Called to be a Servant

September 20, 2020 • Pastor Rick Lorimer

Join us this week as Pastor Rick looks into the single greatest ambition behind our calling. If you want to fulfill your calling in life and know true fulfillment, it starts with this mindset. NEXT STEPS: • Today, I will sign up to serve on a Dream Team. http://www.christplace.church/dreamteam • Each day this week, I will focus on one specific Christ Follower to affirm and serve. • I will memorize Philippians 2:3-4.

Called to Become

September 13, 2020 • Pastor Rick Lorimer

Join us this week as Pastor Rick dives deeper into our calling. You can be sure of this: your calling has you running a marathon to maturity. NEXT STEPS •Today, I choose to strip away ___________ so I can run this marathon of maturity. •Each day this week, I will set aside a time and a place to focus on Jesus. •This week, I will memorize Hebrews 12:1-2.