
There is a day

We will meet Him in the air

Lou Fellingham • John 14:1–3, 1 Thessalonians 4:13–18

We will meet Him in the air

And then we will be like Him

For we will see Him as He is

Oh yeah

Then all hurt and pain will cease

And we'll be with Him forever

And in His glory we will live

Oh yeah oh yeah

There is a day

That all creation's waiting for

A day of freedom

And liberation for the earth

And on that day

The Lord will come to meet His bride

And when we see Him

In an instant we'll be changed

The trumpet sounds

And the dead will then be raised

By His power

Never to perish again

Once only flesh

Now clothed with immortality

Death has now been

Swallowed up in victory

So lift your eyes

To the things as yet unseen

That will remain now

For all eternity

Though trouble's hard

It's only momentary

And it's achieving

Our future glory

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