
Jesus Eats with Sinners

March 17, 2019 • Clint Davis

Jesus is not afraid to sit down with sinners. Join us as we work through these two stories that challenge our thinking and practice regarding who is worthy of Christ and who isn't.

The Suffering Son

June 9, 2019 • Clint Davis

The final message in our series on Mark's Gospel is titled, "The Suffering Son." In it we think about the depth to which Jesus suffered for us and what his sufferings mean to and for us. He is a distressed and devoted Savior as well as a dying Redeemer in Mark 14-15. Join us as we see our Savior as he suffered for us.

The Case of Two Backsliders

Clint Davis

Judas and Peter both backslid in their walks with Jesus because of the overwhelming power of sin their lives. Peter recognized his sin, repented of it, returned to Christ, and received full restoration. Judas did not. Backsliding, though a concept out of favor in modern Christianity, is a reality for every Christian. We all struggle to keep sin at bay and to maintain a full-fledged devotion to Christ. But, our Lord, in his grace, gladly welcomes us back into his fold as we return to him in faith and repentance. Follow Peter's example, not Judas's when dealing with your sin.

Giving Your Whole Self to God

June 2, 2019 • Clint Davis

The religious leaders of Jesus's day challenged his authority regularly. They did it because they did not want to submit to him, follow him, nor did they want him to gain a significant following of people. Chief among their many reasons for this was their refusal to submit to him and receive him as their Messiah. These challenges often came as questions meant to trap him. Each time Jesus responds properly, avoiding the trap and proclaiming his central message to repent and believe the gospel of the kingdom of God.