
Free to Relax

Galatians 5:1-12

January 21, 2024 • Brad Strait

Conversation Starters

╬  We know that we are justified by faith in Jesus, but it’s easy to think that there are also certain rules that we must follow in order to be right with God. As you read Galatians 5:1-12, consider what Paul is saying about how we are to live in grace.


╬  If, as Paul says, “faith expressing itself through love” is “the only thing that counts,” what does that look like in your life? As you explore that question, ask God to reveal what He has for you.

10 Reasons: #7 Changed Lives, #8 Holy Spirit Encounters

May 5, 2024 • Wade Pursell

Conversation Starters ╬ How do you read the Bible? Is it like a novel with a gripping story or like non-fiction that gives good information to know? “Eating” the Bible involves a meditative, slow, submissive process with interest in both knowing more and, more importantly, becoming more. In the companionship of the Spirit, will you seek to increase your “becoming-more” reading of the Word? ╬ Who do you know who “walks in the counsel of the world, stands with sinners, or sits with scoffers”? Pray for them! May God the Spirit create in them a great hunger for God’s Word who is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

10 Reasons: #6 Jesus Claims it is True, and Lives It

April 28, 2024 • Kirk Roberts

Conversation Starters ╬ Jesus is the Word that became flesh. How does Jesus’ incarnation, his life, death and resurrection give you reason to trust the Bible? ╬ Jesus is our teacher who gave us an example of a true servant leader. How did Jesus choose to be known as a leader? Consider Jesus’ leadership example from John 13-14 as you ask yourself, “What Would Jesus Do?”

10 Reasons: #4 Unified Message and #5 Archeology

Brad Strait

Conversation Starters ╬ Do you think of the Bible as one great, cohesive message of salvation? Ask the Holy Spirit to draw you into this message, guiding you into all the truth. ╬ How does this unified message of salvation bring you encouragement and comfort?