
Eternal Salvation + Part 6

In today's lesson Dr. Larry B. Patrick continues in our current series of Eternal Security+
He explains "The Positional Sanctification Rationale".
Romans 8:38-39(KJV) 38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, 39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Because we are in union with Christ, nothing can separate us from our eternal salvation.
Therefore, we can never get out of Union with Christ+
Join us now for part 6 of our new series..."Eternal Security".

Scripture references: Romans 8:38-39, John 17:11, 1 John 5:11-12

Eternal Security + Part 18

In today's lesson, Dr. Larry B. Patrick concludes our current series teaching "The Eternal Life Rational". He begins the introduction explaining the three categories of grace involved in God's relationship with mankind: Pre-Salvation, Salvation and Post Grace. Within the process of this deposition, Dr. Patrick then brings out these following important valid factual points: Once a believer is saved (born again) they now have two natures in conflict with each other. The old sin nature, and now the newly imputed God righteous spirit birthed in them. The additional point is technically all humans have an old sin nature and everlasting soul life, yet two different destinations. For the believers, eternal security in Heaven+ and for the unbelievers the eternal lake of fire. This distinguishes the difference between a born again saved believer v.s an unsaved unbeliever. Yet both states of being are permanent... And just as man's weakness and works cannot cancel nor earn God's Salvation, unbelievers can't cancel their fate dwelling in eternal hellfire from God's appointed judgement. In conclusion, There is nothing GOD THE FATHER, SON, HOLY SPIRIT can do to cancel our salvation after we believe in JESUS CHRIST+ And there is nothing we can do either. Now join us for part 18 in the final wrap up of our series..."Eternal Security". Scripture references: 1 John 5:11-13, and Colossians 3:3.

Eternal Salvation + Part 17

Eternal Salvation + Part 16