
The Doctrine of Bitterness PT. 6

March 26, 2017 • Dr. Larry Patrick

Suffering to people who do not understand God's perfect ways results into grave consequences of bitterness*
Moses actually put into a song a demonstration of this using Israel's suffering from God's judgement due to lack of their bitter disobedience.
However, believers who understand God can clearly see their suffering as a trial of joy being tested for future blessings!

"The Doctrine of Bitterness".
Scripture reference: Deuteronomy 31:29, 32:4 & 1-24, Ephesians 3:10

Doctrine of Bitterness PT. 18

July 23, 2017 • Dr. Larry Patrick

In today's lesson Dr. Larry B Patrick returns to recap the contagiousness of Bitterness! Bitterness is self-induced misery, as well as chain sinning. Job 8:20,"Why is the life given to him who suffers and the life to the bitter soul?" Bitterness produces a locked in self-pity. Bitterness is misery to others in your periphery.Bitterness means revenge motivation. But two wrongs never make a right. You cannot build your happiness on someone else's unhappiness. Scripture references: Job 8:20 | Eph 4:31

Doctrine of Bitterness PT. 19

July 30, 2017 • Dr. Larry Patrick

In today's lesson Dr. Larry B Patrick reviews the Recovery from Bitterness, then moves on to teach it's Principles. Bitterness attacks our sanity, producing self arrogance which can lead us down a path of the following: Implacability, Vindictiveness and Hardness or Harshness of the heart* Join us now for part 17E in our continued series..."The Doctrine of Bitterness". Scripture references: Isa 38-39 | Romans 12:2-3

Doctrine of Bitterness PT. 17

July 16, 2017 • Dr. Larry Patrick

In today's lesson Dr. Larry B Patrick returns to recap the contagiousness of Bitterness! It causes souls to become reactionary affecting their actions, infecting all relationships they have. It's the number one self deception keeping us blind and our focus off God, leaving excrement in our souls. This could lead to self justification and blaming others. Join us now for Part 17C as we pick up our continued series..."The Doctrine of Bitterness".