
The Sandwich Generation

Genesis 35

August 2, 2015 • Kevin Spence

In the context of Jacob's apparent hesitation to return to Bethel (the place of previous blessing) as God wanted. In chapter 34 God allows a crisis to come that requires Jacob to restore the vertical relationship with God.
-God tells Jacob to go back to Bethel and recall God's past work in your life.
- Put away the foreign gods from among you.
- Prepare for the future by being in the Word. Jacob then listened to the revelation of God as He gave direction for the future.

In our own day, may we recall God's plan for us and His past faithful work in our behalf.
May we not allow so many cares of this world to distract us from what our focus should be.
May we be willing to look inside and root out compromise in our lives.
May we renew our passion and commitment for the Word of God and that Divine direction for our lives going forward.

If Jacob's vertical relationship was right, then he would be able to handle hard times.
Handling the vertical relationship prepared Jacob to then handle the horizontal relationships.
- We must deal with the consequences of our actions.
- We can then work toward and enjoy restoration.