
John 9:1-42

Visual Aid

Andy Falleur

John 9:1-42 "Visual Aid"

In this Bible Study from Sunday morning at Calvary Fellowship of Ottawa, Pastor Andy Falleur read John 9 and talked about how the blind man there was a visual aid to Jesus’s declaration: “I am the light of the world.” It’s possible that he didn’t have eyes, because Jesus put dirt in his eyes, and no one recognized him after he was healed. It was also good to see how the man never saw Jesus, only heard his voice, and had to “blindly obey.” He’s so much like us, in that we are blinded by sin, may not get to see what the Lord wants to do, but need to simply trust and obey when we hear His word.
This was a special Bible Study as we were gathered this week in the afternoon at Britannia Park in Ottawa. We had a baptism directly afterwards.

Speaker: Andy Falleur

#John 9, #john 9 bible study, #john 9 explained, #calvary ottawa, #calvary chapel ottawa, #calvary chapel bible study, #john 9 1-12, #john 9 13-34, #john 9 Jesus heals a blind man, #i am the light of the world, #a man born blind receives his sight,

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