
John 8:1-11

I See You

August 8, 2021 • Steve Weir

John 8:1-11 - "I See You"

In this Bible Study at Calvary Fellowship of Ottawa on Sunday morning, Pastor Steve Weir read to us from John 7:53-8:11. He began with talking about textual criticism, breaking it down into three simple steps: location (where were the scriptural fragments found?), timing (what is the date of the fragments found), and numbers (the more that say the same thing the better). In fifteen minutes he summarized why John 7:53-8:11 should be in the Bible, and why the Bible can be trusted as the authoritative Word of God. He then went on to walk step by step through the text, drawing out the value Jesus placed on women, and His complete knowledge of the Law. The Bible study was loaded, but it was a great reminder that Jesus sees us, and extends grace to us no matter who we are, or what our situation may be.

Speaker – Steve Weir

Tags: #John 8:1-11, #john 8:1-11 bible study, #john 8:1-11 explained, #calvary ottawa, #calvary chapel ottawa, #calvary chapel bible study, #textual criticism, #woman caught in adultery, #He who is without sin, #stoning, #scribes, #Jesus and women, #go and sin no more,

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