
Cycles - Week 6

March 3, 2019 • Pastor Michael Booker

Pastor Michael Booker concludes the series "Cycles" while cautioning, "Don't Wreck Your Cycle!" Reminding us again of the children of Israel and how their cycles ended as they entered the promised land, he shares the story of how their progress in God was interrupted by the disobedience of not giving to God the things that were to be devoted to Him.

More from Cycles

Cycles - Week 1

January 6, 2019 • Pastor Michael Booker

Pastor Michael Booker begins his series, "Cycles" by explaining how cycles of defeat and sin begin when we don't trust and continue to follow through with our God who wants to take us to something good and larger in our lives. Listen to learn some keys to break out of those negative cycles in your life.

Cycles - Week 2

January 13, 2019 • Pastor Michael Booker

As Pastor Michael Booker continues the series, "Cycles", he reminds us that the first key to stepping into what God has for you is to believe that it is greater than what is behind you. The second key requires us to engage in the fight using the sword of the Spirit. Listen to learn how to use that sword to break free of the negative cycles in your life.

Cycles - Week 3

January 20, 2019 • Pastor Michael Booker

Pastor Michael Booker reviews his series, "Cycles" by reminding us that in order to lay hold of God's promises, we must believe that He has a better plan for us and be willing to battle using HIs Word in order to break free of the vicious cycles in which the enemy wants to entrap us. In this sermon, he goes on to teach us about the most subtle obstacle: listening to those who wish to discourage us from going after all that God has for us.