
Israel: Flawed Heroes

Journey with Pastor Jeremy to the ancient world of Israel. In this first series about Israel, the stories of eight different men will come alive as you witness where they lived, how they fought against giants, ran from God, and hid from their enemies. It is our hope that you use these short videos t

Facing Goliath in Elah Valley

May 15, 2023 • Jeremy Helmuth

Place yourself in the same valley that the shepherd boy David confronted the giant Goliath. This story is so much more than learning how to face the giants in your life. This cosmic battle took place more than three thousand years ago. The forces of evil were defeated by the heavenly army. Learn why David chose five stones instead of just one and feel the passion that burned within David as he flung the stone into the skull of the philistine giant. 

Elijah on Mount Carmel

May 15, 2023 • Jeremy Helmuth

Relive the moment when Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal. Picture the place where God brought fire down from heaven onto the mountain. Look out to the Mediterranean where Elijah would have been watching for a little cloud to develop into rain as he was praying. Be astonished that just below the mountain is the valley of Armageddon, where the final battle between good and evil will take place.

Saul’s Shame at Bet She’an

May 15, 2023 • Jeremy Helmuth

Journey with us to the ancient city that hung the head of the first king of Israel to mock the God of Israel. Could you imagine walking the streets and seeing the heads of a defeated enemy on the side of a huge hill? Learn how a group of men risked their lives to break into the city at night and took Saul’s remains so that he could be honored in his death. The death of Saul is one of the most tragic endings in the entire Bible, and it is a lesson to all of us to realize that we are never alone.

Absalom’s Self-centered Monument

May 15, 2023 • Jeremy Helmuth

Did you know that this son of King David had a monument built to honor him? The son who rebelled against his dad wanted the world to remember him long after he had passed from this earth. You will see an ancient monument in Jerusalem that is known to belong to Absalom. But sadly, as we will learn, the monument ended up representing one of Absalom’s greatest fears. Discover what this monument turned into and how it should teach every child how important it is to honor and respect their parents.

Fugitive in En-Gedi

May 15, 2023 • Jeremy Helmuth

Watch the water fall from the entrance of an ancient cave. Notice the various animals who were David’s companions when he fled from King Saul. God protected David from Saul’s army in this rocky place, but you will see that this wilderness was dry, lonely, and frustrating. Absorb the colors and textures in the place where David was at the lowest point in his life. 

Jonah went down to Joppa

May 15, 2023 • Jeremy Helmuth

When we run away from God’s will, we will always go down spiritually. Imagine what it would have been like during Jonah’s day as he boarded a ship to set sail from the port of Joppa. Experience a beautiful sunset in the place Jonah thought he was avoiding God. You will walk away from this story realizing the compassion and love of God and how that is the only thing that will ever fulfill you.

Moses and Mount Nebo

May 15, 2023 • Jeremy Helmuth

He led his people for forty years through the wilderness, but he would not be leading them into the promised land. Why did God decide to withhold his servant Moses from entering into this great reward? At first glance, it seems so unfair. As you view the great mountain of Nebo, you will be assured that the Bible is historically true. These places are real! You might even be able to relate to Moses, for you have probably forfeited something in your life because of the earthly consequences of a decision you made in your past.

Abraham’s Tent of Hospitality

May 15, 2023 • Jeremy Helmuth

How long would you last in the suffocating heat in Israel? Learn why seeing a shepherd’s tent in the distance was not only a welcome sight to someone struggling with their journey, but was also a picture of God’s love to us. Witness what it would have been like to live as a nomad and totally trust in God’s provision.

Tabernacle at Shiloh

May 15, 2023 • Jeremy Helmuth

Ark of the Covenant at Beth Shemesh

May 15, 2023 • Jeremy Helmuth

Worship God Anywhere: Western Wall

May 15, 2023 • Jeremy Helmuth

Dead Sea and Sodom and Gomorrah

May 15, 2023 • Jeremy Helmuth