
Convinced (2022)


May 29, 2022 • Jeremy Helmuth • Romans 11

Did you know that God is not finished with the nation of Israel? Even though the Jewish people have rejected their Messiah (Jesus Christ), God promises that He has not replaced them as His special people. There will come a day that the scales will fall from their eyes and they will believe. This should give all of us hope that God is relentless in providing for our salvation. He never gives up on us!


May 22, 2022 • Jeremy Helmuth • Romans 9:30—10:21

Have you ever taken the time to ask yourself “how” you are saved? In the first several chapters of Romans, we are taught “why” we need salvation, but now we must take the time to understand the importance of our response to God if we want to be rescued from sin. You will learn how simple the way towards salvation is, and yet how complicated the change of our hearts, minds and souls are in the mind of Christ. You will realize just how great God’s grace is in your life and how much work God does inside you to revive that which is dead.


March 6, 2022 • Jeremy Helmuth, Don Wharton • Romans 5:1–5

Join us for this special Sunday as Pastor Jeremy interviews a man who lived out last week’s sermon on suffering when he crashed into the ocean just off the coast of Alaska several years ago. Against all odds, he withstood the freezing temperature of the water as he waited for rescue. Listen to what it would have been like to hear the engines of the plane shut off and to glide silently to the surface of the sea. You do not want to miss this inspiring story of perseverance, character and hope!


May 15, 2022 • Jeremy Helmuth • Romans 9:1–29

The phrase “Jacob I loved and Esau I hated” can be a disturbing statement from God when we do not understand the full context. Does God really “hate” people, or does this mean something else? What does it mean that God has mercy on whom He wants to have mercy on and hardens the heart of those He wants to harden? In this sermon, you will see the supreme sovereignty of God and how this affects your daily decisions.


May 8, 2022 • Amy Helmuth

If you could impart only a limited amount of wisdom to your child before they leave your home, what would you like your child to know and understand? With a high school senior in her home, Amy would like to share several points of insight about what we should pray and hope for in our children as they prepare to become mature adults in this world. Whether or not you have a child who is preparing for adulthood, you will be encouraged to look at your life and ask yourself if you are actually living the life that God has planned for you.


February 6, 2022 • Jeremy Helmuth • Romans 3:1–20

The word “sin” has been replaced in many churches today with the words “mistake” or “messed up” and it has had a profound effect upon people. We must admit that we are sinners and that we fall short of God’s holy standard. When is the last time you have considered how your sin has eternal consequences and that you need to daily confess your sin in order to remain in fellowship with God. You will walk away with a realization that naming your sins and owning them and asking God to forgive you will produce great freedom in your walk with God (that is why Satan does not want you to talk about “sin”)!


June 26, 2022 • Jeremy Helmuth • Romans 13:1–7

God has placed the government in authority over us. Their main responsibility is to be a servant of good. This includes protection, stability and peace. Learn how to show honor and respect to our politicians and yet at the same time being able to stand up against them when they are wrong. Discover what it means to give our nation partial allegiance while making sure our full commitment is to glorify God above everyone and everything else.


May 1, 2022 • Jeremy Helmuth • Romans 8:29–39

Are you convinced that there is nothing that can ever separate you from God’s love? This reality will allow you to live a victorious life where you are able to overcome every situation. The secret to becoming a conqueror is understanding these five words used to describe God’s work in us: foreknowledge, predestined, called, justified, glorified. You will walk out of here with a renewed vision to fulfill the purpose of God in your daily life.

CONVINCED that God works for the GOOD

April 24, 2022 • Jeremy Helmuth • Romans 8:28

In this sermon, Pastor Jeremy will focus on one verse that has been misinterpreted many times in the midst of tragedy. You will be given the right theology from this verse so that you are equipped to handle the troubles in your life. When someone says, “Everything happens for a reason,” you can answer them in a biblical manner so that we can persevere through adversity in a way that will ultimately glorify God and keep us from getting angry at God.


January 30, 2022 • Jeremy Helmuth • Romans 2:12–29

The law was written on all of our hearts long before God gave Moses the Old Testament commandments. In this sermon, we will enter a courtroom scene so that we can put TRUTH on trial. In today’s world, you probably hear people say “Your truth is yours, and my truth is mine, and either truth is okay.” You will walk away with a renewed passion to guard the truth that God has placed in your soul because without the truth, the gospel of Jesus Christ is worthless.


April 3, 2022 • Jeremy Helmuth • Romans 7

We can all relate to the phrase “I do what I hate to do and I don’t do what I want to do”. In every genuine Christian’s heart there is a desire to please God, and yet too many times we are overcome by our own addictions and weaknesses. In too many churches today we hear the phrase “I am enough”, but you will find it more powerful to state “I will never be enough, so I need God’s grace”. The more you realize your wretchedness, the more you will invite God’s grace to come into your life to do a supernatural work in you.


April 10, 2022 • Jeremy Helmuth • Romans 8:1–17

There is a battle inside your heart to follow after your sin nature or to follow after the Spirit. Daily, we must choose which voice we will obey. Amazingly, the more we listen to the Spirit’s voice, the louder His voice becomes and the easier it will be to obey Him. Sadly, the more we selfishly do what we want, the more chains we will feel weighing us down the longer we walk our own sinful path. The choice is yours: who will you listen to? One leads to joy and fulfillment. The other leads to frustration, emptiness and spiritual deadness.


March 27, 2022 • Jeremy Helmuth

How can you be sure that you will go to heaven when you die? Even though we are weak in our natural selves, we have a strong God who makes us righteous forever. Learn how the benefit of believing in God leads to holiness and how the ultimate result is eternal life. Walk away with a renewed vision that your eternal life has already started and how you can partake in the present benefits of this eternal life.


January 23, 2022 • Jeremy Helmuth • Romans 2:1–11

God warns us about judging other people. He does not forbid us from judging others, but He wants us to know that we will be judged in the same way that we judge others. Learn the difference between making a judgment and condemning someone. Also, discover how important the attributes of kindness, tolerance and patience are when we decide whether or not someone is doing what is right or wrong.


July 10, 2022 • Jeremy Helmuth

You probably know a Christian who has strong convictions about something that is not even in the Bible. This person has held onto the traditions of their past or they have been taught wrongly about certain truths in the Bible. Paul calls this person a weaker brother or sister. They hold onto rules not in the Bible. They make one day of the week more holy than the other days. They refuse to eat different kinds of foods. These Christians have not yet been able to grasp the full and free salvation as it is revealed in Jesus Christ. Those of us who are not convicted by these rules are given a blueprint for how we are to treat those who are highly convicted to keep these rules.