
Citizens of Another World

Part 3

November 15, 2020 • Jeremy Helmuth

Do you wish you could live forever here on planet earth because overall you love your life? If you are honest, you are a little scared of what will come after you die? Are you saving, investing and working hard to build an earthly fortune as if it will last indefinitely? Or do you make decisions based upon the fact that in less than one hundred years you will be in eternity? God tells us that people of faith live as if they were working for something better than what they have now. Does that describe you? Are you longing for a better country? Then maybe that longing inside of you is proof that you are simply an alien here on this planet and you are waiting for your true home. How are we to live as we wait for something better and how can we genuinely live as people destined for another world? Join us and find out how to live for eternity and not just the moment.