
Self Awareness

John 9:1-7

March 26, 2017 • Aaron Sturgis

The gospel of John tells the story of a blind man given the gift of sight by Jesus himself. Encircling this joyous miracle emerges a throng of blamers and shamers - much like we still see today... Just ordinary people who must take responsibility for their own stuff in order to discover true healing.

Life to the Full

April 2, 2017 • Aaron Sturgis

We all crave an amazing life, but people - even "Christian" people - act as though the recipe's been misplaced. We wander around allowing this and that to steal our peace, our patience, our love and our joy. But OH, JESUS - promises a different way.

To Be Part of Something Bigger Than Ourselves

March 15, 2017 • Aaron Sturgis

Whether Jesus was healing a child, calling a friend out of the tomb or passing out baskets of bread - he always drew a crowd. There's just something magnetic about a force that feels far greater than your own. We’re drawn to the extraordinary and it pulls us forward into what greater things God might do in our own lives.

What Do You Want?

March 5, 2017 • Aaron Sturgis

We all want to know our lives matter - and that we lived into the fullest potential possible. Throughout all the ups and downs however, it's easy for our priorities to become misaligned. Lent is a season that invites us to reexamine our strongest desires - and realign ourselves with Jesus' call to follow. Ultimately he asks just one powerful question to consider…What do you want?