
Global Refugee Crisis

Ephesians 2:11-22, Deuteronomy 24:17-22, Luke 10:25-37

March 19, 2017 • Pastor Kelly Nieman Anderson

Kelly Nieman Anderson is our guest preacher for today. She is a graduate of Luther Seminary and is their 2016 Graduate Preaching Fellow. She's spending this academic year traveling around the world, and around the nation, to learn more about how Churches and Christian organizations are serving refugees and displaced persons, especially in our current Global Immigration Crisis.
To follow her travels and experiences, please visit her blog at https://hope-beyond-borders.net/blog and click on the green "Follow" button on the right sidebar
If you'd like to volunteer, advocate, or donate for refugee care, please visit:
www.lirs.org (United States)
samaritas.org/child-and-family/new-american-services (Michigan)
www.facebook.com/WashtenawRefugeeWelcome/ (Washtenaw County)