
The Power Of An Invitation | Find & Follow | Aaron Sturgis

May 19, 2024

This series has been a great series….find and follow. Why? Because it is something that we are passionate about. It's our mission…as a church…we believe that we exist to help people find and follow Jesus. That is our mission. That is what we get to be a part of together. I'm so grateful that I get to serve alongside you and that together we get to fulfill and go about that mission. 

So over the course of these five weeks, if you're brand new, if you're just jumping in with us, it's been a great time to jump in and hear what we're about as a church.

As we wrap up this series….I’m going to go back to where we started…the Gospel of Matthew. We centered this series on something called the Great Commission in Matthew 28. But before we get there, I want us to look again at Matthew 9. If you've got a Bible, you can turn there with me.

A little review….Matthew is the first of the four Gospels. The first of the eyewitness accounts of the life of Christ. 





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What Does It Look Like To Trust Jesus? | Find & Follow | Laura Garry

May 12, 2024

What does it look like to trust Jesus fully and to be His follower? In our Find and Follow series, we are learning that following Jesus means we learn to trust Him with our lives and help others trust Him with theirs, too.  Last week, we learned why studying the Bible is crucial to growing our relationship with Jesus. We cannot follow someone we do not know. This week, we are learning about life with Jesus through prayer. Prayer allows us to grow in our relationship with God because we grow to know Him and understand His love. Religion is always at work to change us from the outside in, but prayer brings us back to a place of God’s work inside of us to love Him and others. Prayer grows our dependence upon God and gives us strength to live His love in our broken and hurting world as His followers.  Socials: http://www.facebook.com/clcecolumbia http://www.instagram.com/centrallutheran http://www.centrallutheran.church/

Why Read The Bible | Find & Follow | Laura Garry

May 5, 2024

In this series, Find and Follow, we are learning what it looks like to trust Jesus fully and to be His follower. To follow Jesus means we learn to trust Him with our lives and help others trust Him with theirs, too.  Pastor Aaron has been teaching us that being a disciple and helping others in their faith journey is the call of Jesus’ last words in the Gospel of Matthew. To follow Jesus means we become His students. We learn from Him and help others learn from Him. The crucial piece to remember is that we are not learning head knowledge; we are learning life with Jesus. We are learning to surrender our lives to Him in love and to participate in a growing and loving relationship with Him. Religion is trying to bring about change from the outside in, but in our relationship with Jesus, He transforms us from the inside out one day at a time so that we become like Him. We live His love into our broken and hurting world. Today, we will learn why studying the Bible is crucial to growing our relationship with Jesus.  Socials: http://www.facebook.com/clcecolumbia http://www.instagram.com/centrallutheran http://www.centrallutheran.church/

Make Disciples | Find & Follow | Aaron Sturgis

April 28, 2024

If we are called to love God and love others, what does that really mean? The word discipleship seems mystical, but it really means just that. Being a disciple starts with an invitation, grows into transformation and spreads into replication. In the second week of Find & Follow, Pastor Aaron unpacks how we learn and implement discipleship into our own lives, and truly live out Jesus' last command, first. And when we live in a relationship with Him, our lives are then transformed from the inside out. Socials: http://www.facebook.com/clcecolumbia http://www.instagram.com/centrallutheran http://www.centrallutheran.church/