
No Time To Waste!

Chilliwack Campus

February 11, 2024 • Dr. Jorge Salazar • Acts 28:17–31

It is fascinating how complex and intricate creatures we are; we have our secret longings and preferences that trample our conscious and smart ones. That’s one of the reasons why we procrastinate! We know the smart thing would be to use the couple hours we have available to finally clean up the garage, but in the inner chambers of our hearts lies anything else and everything else but what we know we should be doing, and so we come up with great ideas like driving the kids for ice-cream! Going for a walk with our sweetheart! We even dare to offer driving our wife to the mall in Abbotsford or Langley so that she can go shopping! Whatever will remove the focus from what we ought to do…

There are thousands of books, seminars, workshops, that attempt to help procrastinators with breaking those harmful patterns. But what we read in the book of Acts is a loud demonstration of where our priorities must be, and what should be of outmost importance for us.

This morning as we study the final lines in this amazing book, we are going to learn that there’s no time to waste!

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