
Powerful To Restore

Agassiz Campus

August 13, 2023 • Dr. Jorge Salazar • 2 Kings 8

People are different and we all have our own ideas and preferences; some people cook with olive oil, others with butter, and yet there are some that we’d prefer they didn’t cook at all!


The problem comes when we talk about things that truly matter. Some hold very vague concepts about God, while others would show their teeth when defending their agnosticism, but in the final analysis we will all come before His throne and deal with the consequences of what we have done with the truths that He has revealed in Scriptures.


So, why should we care about what we read today, a woman leaving his house, a conversation with the prophet’s aid and the king, wars and rebellions with the eastern kingdoms in a far away land…? Well, because they all reveal our God to us! That’s why we call Scriptures: the special revelation of God, because if we truly want to have an accurate image about God, we must come to the Bible with eagerness to see His face, hear His voice and feel His touch.


And this morning we’ll learn that the God of the Bible is powerful to restore and faithful to the promises He has made for you and me.

2 Kings 13:14-21

August 27, 2023 • Justin Vugteveen • 2 Kings 13:14–21

2 Kings 13:14-21

Finishing Strong

August 27, 2023 • Pastor Chris Ross • 2 Kings 13:14–21

We’ve all been tempted to give up and shrink back in our spiritual life at times. We all experience spiritual apathy. How do we finish strong and give our all to God and the spiritual fight before us? Elisha’s last moments give us both a warning and an example to follow to run our race well and finish strong.

Good To The Last Sermon

August 27, 2023 • Ernie Charlton • 2 Kings 13:14–21

Elisha was a tremendous prophet. He was not great because of who he was but who God is. Do we live our lives with the same awareness, or are we prone to come up short when it comes to exercising faith in God?