
The Perfect Gift

Harrison Campus

December 24, 2022 • Pastor Jeremy Isaak • Matthew 2:9–11

Have you ever received a gift you didn’t need and then later realized it was actually exactly what you needed? When the wisemen meet Jesus they joyfully worship him and give him gifts not suited for a baby, but perfectly fit for a king. How will you respond to God’s gift of his Son Jesus?

Seek And Hide

December 24, 2022 • Pastor Eldon Fehr • Matthew 2:9–11

Christmas is the celebration of Jesus’ birthday – the day that God, out of His great love, sought us that He might save us. God promises that, just like the wise men long ago, all who seek Him will find Him, and that all who find Him will be hidden in Him.

Our Finest Gifts We Bring

December 24, 2022 • Matt Shantz • Matthew 2:9–11

Mysterious wise men from the east follow a star that eventually leads them to baby Jesus. Upon seeing Jesus they do two things: They bow down and worship Him and they present their finest gifts to Him. Christmas reminds us to do the same.

Searching For The Lord

December 18, 2022 • Dr. Jorge Salazar • Matthew 2:1–9

People have all kinds of reactions when it comes to the Christmas story; some people love it and look forward to it with anticipation, others can’t have enough of it and prolong the celebration as much as they can, other couldn’t care less about it, and yet some others feel offended by it.   Even some Christians get very upset with Christmas, with what Christmas has become and they resent the consumerism, and the superficiality of everything that it has become... it's a holiday but it can provoke all these kinds of reactions. And what I want to tell you is that this is not something new. The passage we'll look at today gives us a very similar picture of the different responses we have to Christmas and the glorious truths that may help shape our thinking around it.