
A Love that Delivers

August 6, 2023 • Speaker: Dr. Jorge Salazar • 2 Kings 6:24—7:20

In some cultures, it is unthinkable to die for someone else, but that’s exactly what Jesus did for us. He died on the cross so that we may live. And it’s not like we were the nicest people towards God; we rebelled against His Word, we lied, we cheated, we worshipped other gods… but He still took our place before the judgement throne of God so that we would have life.

And that’s the story we’ll read today. A king, a nation who continues to run away from God, who turned their backs at their Creator, and instead of repenting and asking for forgiveness, they continue to shake their fist at God. But the Lord will love them, deliver them, give them another chance, simply because of His love, mercy, and grace. A love that chases you, a love that transforms you, a love that delivers.