
The Art Of War

Promontory Campus

December 10, 2023 • Guest Speaker: Rich Kopanke • Revelation 12:7–12

Every follower of Christ is a combatant in a cosmic battle that has been raging for eons. In this message we discover the scope of that battle, the strategy of our enemy, as well as the "secret weapon" God has given us which ensures our victory against an already-defeated foe.

Christmas...Spiritual warfare...Redemption...Temptation...Guilt

We are all combatants in a cosmic battle. How have you experienced spiritual warfare in your life?

Our spiritual adversary is called the "Slanderer," "Accuser," "Serpent," and "Deceiver." How have you experienced these type of attacks in your life and what have you found that helps you to make the right choices at times like that?