
The Greatest Love on Display

Chilliwack Campus

March 29, 2024 • Dr. Jorge Salazar • Revelation 1:5–6

We have been looking with anticipation to Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday. We remember with joy what Christ has done for us, but at the same time, Good Friday is also a reminder of how evil we can be, and how sinful when rebelling against God, that when the Son of God came to us we hanged him on a cross for, as John said in his gospel, people loved the darkness rather than the light, because their works were evil.

There is a mix cup here, on the one hand we remember the sorrow and mourning over Jesus’ suffering and death, but on the other hand we recognize with gratitude the love and sacrifice He made for us so that we would be reconciled to God. Today we are reminded of whom Jesus is and what He has done for us.