
The Grace of Giving

Harrison Campus

May 5, 2024 • Pastor Jeremy Isaak • 2 Corinthians 8:1–15

Giving generously goes against the grain of our self-centered hearts. We are prone to hoard money and stuff, but Jesus gives us a radically counter-cultural example and gives freely and sacrificially when we least deserve it. This grace should transform our hearts to embrace generous giving.

Youth Sunday | Now Is The Time

June 2, 2024 • Pastor Jonathan Kornelsen • Psalm 145:1–13

"The students in your youth ministry don’t need clever ideas and great programming skills. They need a living model-a man or women of God who is passionate about his or her faith." - Doug Fields

Youth Sunday | Now Is The Time

June 2, 2024 • Matt Boettcher • Psalm 145:1–13

In Psalm 145 David gives us a reminder on the importance of giving ourselves fully and wholeheartedly to praising God, and also investing in and discipling our children and our youth, as we seek to raise authentic followers of Jesus. But, may we remember that our youth also have something to teach us as we see the passion that they have for worshiping God and for his people. This morning we have a beautiful glimpse into the diversity of the church. A place where each generation has their own unique gifts to bring to the table to aid in the mission that God has called us to: seeing the entire Eastern Fraser Valley transformed by the gospel. Now is the time for this to take place, as we long to see this transformation happen. 

Youth Sunday | Now Is The Time

May 26, 2024 • Matt Boettcher • Psalm 145:1–13

In Psalm 145 David gives us a reminder on the importance of giving ourselves fully and wholeheartedly to praising God, and also investing in and discipling our children and our youth, as we seek to raise authentic followers of Jesus. But, may we remember that our youth also have something to teach us as we see the passion that they have for worshiping God and for his people. This morning we have a beautiful glimpse into the diversity of the church. A place where each generation has their own unique gifts to bring to the table to aid in the mission that God has called us to: seeing the entire Eastern Fraser Valley transformed by the gospel. Now is the time for this to take place, as we long to see this transformation happen.