
88. Introducing All-Church VBS!

May 24, 2023 • Steve Rogers, Becca Dowell, Michael Nash

What do you remember from your days attending VBS? What was your VBS snack? On today’s episode, 4 special guests discuss the VBS they grew up with, representing Hale Center, Waxahachie, Seminole, and here at Central in Amarillo. We talk VBS snacks (which was your favorite?!) and how so many good things take place during VBS. For many, VBS brought the story of Christ and of the Bible alive. VBS didn’t exist without volunteers, and everything was intergenerational. It was a time of community. But on a deeper level, what impact did VBS have on your faith? What takes place on a spirit level during VBS?

We know that statistically speaking, children and adolescents have a greater likelihood of sticking with their faith if they have mentors outside their family. Enter “All-Church VBS.” We’re doing things differently this year, and this is on purpose—to create space for those faith-building relationships to take place among all generations. Listen in on this conversation and mark your calendars for VBS starting July 30 where you are ALL invited.

Speakers: Mary McNeill, Becca Dowell, Kim Wasner, Michael Nash, and Steve Rogers 

106. Elder Highlight: Meet the McCarrells!

May 22, 2024 • Hannah McNeill, Jamie McCarrell, Kristin McCarrell

They are fans of glamping and nicknames, but what you’ll notice most about the McCarrells is the intentionality with which they live and how they serve the church. When they came here in 2005, they met God in a way that they’d never met him before, and their lives are different for it today. Jamie appreciates the creative ministries happening at Central, such as reaching the marginalized community by meeting their needs and showing them Christ. And he also loves seeing how God has led Central to explore new and innovative ways to include young people and women in ways that highlight their giftedness. His main hope for Central? That all who walk through these doors can grow, learn, and seek God more fully. Listen to the conversation here. Speakers: Hannah McNeill; Jamie, Kristin, Lincoln, & Ivy McCarrell

105. Elder Highlight: Meet the Nashes!

May 14, 2024 • Michael Nash, Anita Nash, Hannah McNeill

They’ve been here almost 10 years, and as soon as they walked in the door that first Wednesday night, they had some instant connections to mission work and college friends. The Nash family quickly came to love the community involvement here, and they found in Central a place to serve and for their girls to grow in their faith. Michael is known for his compassion, and he brings to this leadership a gift for listening to and connecting with people. He is excited about the present and what God is already doing through Central. And as we look to the future of this community, we look not to create new things but to align ourselves better with what God is already doing. May we have the eyes to see where God is already working and join him in that work. Speakers: Hannah McNeill; Michael, Anita, Kelsey, and Jenna Nash

104. Elder Highlight: Meet the Richardsons!

May 9, 2024 • Hannah McNeill, Doug Richardson, Mandi Richardson

If you have a soft spot in your heart for skating, this is the episode for you! We learn some great things about Doug (“Alexa, play Pitbull.”) while also getting a look into what Central means to the Richardsons. By growing up here and watching faithful leadership of the past, this church is deeply embedded in this family and has formed them in the way of humble servanthood. As we look toward the future, Doug is excited for both the history and people here but also the future opportunities with people that aren’t just like him and how we as a church can continue in this direction of making everyone feel welcome. Speakers: Hannah McNeill; Mic Biesboer; Doug, Mandi, Sloan, & Sy Richardson