Grace covers our shortcomings, but consequences can still follow us. That’s when we need God’s wisdom and strength to make things right. In the later years of David’s life some old mistakes come back to haunt him, and he must learn to once again hold fast to God.
David was a man after God’s own heart, but his heart still led him astray. The story of King David and Bathsheba teaches us how to handle failure and the importance of seeking God’s grace.
God is calling you out of that place of defeat and he wants to refresh you and refuel you and remind you who you really are and what you’re made of. He wants to strengthen your heart. He wants to refocus your steps. We can have a focused heart.
We are tested by our success as much as out failures, because the more God blesses us, the more we are tempted to forget the One who blesses. In this message we explore how David kept looking up to God, even as he was lifted up to be king.
The quality of your life is often determined by the quality of your relationships. The story of David and Jonathan’s friendship not only shows us the power of a loyal heart, it reflects the faithfulness of God.
We all want victory, but sometimes God uses a breakdown to prepare us for a breakthrough. In this message we explore how God used the hard times in David’s life to create a humble heart in His future King.
Some problems in life are so overwhelming, you feel defeated before you even start to fight back. But with God all things are possible. In this message we explore the story of David and Goliath and learn how to trade a fearful heart for a courageous heart.
God is in the life-changing business, and worship is the natural result of His working. Praise not only fills our hearts and minds with the goodness of God, it can also bring healing and hope to others.